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  Leonardo Knol Bridging the Gap between Education and society Part 2 of an interview with Leonardo Knol, co-founder FutureED  by Ria Uiterloo In part one of the interview Leonardo provided invaluable insights into the transformative power of education and the vision driving FutureED's mission. As we navigate the complexities of the modern educational landscape, initiatives like FutureED stand as beacons of innovation, empowering students to embark on their educational journeys with confidence, competence, and clarity. As he delved into his master's degree studies, he envisioned a resource that could transcend borders, benefiting high school students in both the Caribbean and the Netherlands alike. This resource, FutureED, aimed to revolutionize education by bridging the gap between academic knowledge and real-world application. The initiative of Leonardo Knol and his friend Sunny Hsieh was dedicated to empowering youth with practical skills essential for seamless integration
  Leonardo Knol Bridging the gap between Education and Society An interview with Leonardo Knol by Ria Uiterloo Last year, I had the pleasure of being contacted by a former student of Sr. Regina School, who was pursuing his Master’s degree in the Netherlands. He reached out with a request for an online meeting to seek feedback on a project he was passionately working on – one that held promise for students in high schools both in the Caribbean and the Netherlands. The project in question was FutureED, a comprehensive study guide designed to bridge the gap between Education and Society. During our initial discussion, I had the opportunity to preview the overview and chapters of FutureED. It became evident that this guide was dedicated to empowering youth by providing practical knowledge across various domains essential for seamless integration into society. FutureEd's focus lies in equipping students with indispensable skills and information vital for navigating crucial aspects

Empowering Student Well-Being through Innovative Health Project

By Ria Uiterloo, president Stichting EGO Foundation Catholic Education St. Maarten (FCES) is set to unveil a groundbreaking initiative aimed at enhancing the overall well-being of students. This comprehensive project, initiated and sponsored by the Stichting Expertise Centrum Ervaringsgericht Onderwijs (Stichting EGO), focuses on the implementation of a new student tracking system through the BLOC test  [1] and the commencement of a lifestyle intervention survey. Let's delve into the details of this exciting venture and its potential impact on the development of children on the island. The initiative is part of Stichting EGO's larger Project Healthy Schools and Communities, subsidized by Resources for Community Resilience (R4CR). The selection of the Sr. Regina School as the flagship institution for our groundbreaking project is a strategic move aimed at catalyzing positive change beyond the school's immediate boundaries. Spearheaded by Mr. Juriaan Otto, the project

Wens voor de feestdagen, bezinning, en een stimulans voor filantropie

Terwijl we het einde van 2023 benaderen, kijk ik terug op het afgelopen jaar en nodig je uit om gezamenlijk een leven vol vernieuwende gedachten, bijzondere ervaringen en een diepe waardering voor de schoonheid om ons heen te omarmen. Laten we dankbaar zijn voor de prachtige dingen, ervaringen en momenten die ons leven verrijken. Te midden van het lawaai en de uitdagingen die het dagelijkse nieuws met zich meebrengt, voel ik de behoefte om mezelf en jou aan te moedigen. Als onderwijsdeskundige en filantroop ontdek ik al vele jaren de transformerende kracht van filantropie en nodig ik je uit om het samen met mij te verkennen. Gedurende deze feestdagen wens ik je een verfrissing van de geest. Laten we positieve intenties stellen en geloven dat ze een krachtige basis vormen voor persoonlijke groei en collectief welzijn. Jouw krachten, talenten en expertise kunnen bijdragen aan een betere wereld. Denk na over de impact van filantropie, niet alleen op anderen, maar ook op je eigen hart.

Holiday Wish, Reflection, and Philanthropic Boost

  As we near the end of 2023, I reflect on the past year and invite you to join me in embracing a life full of innovative thoughts, experiences, and appreciation for the beauty around us. Let's be grateful for the wonderful things, experiences, and moments that enrich our lives. Amidst the noise and challenges that daily news brings, I feel the need to encourage ourselves. As an educator and philanthropist of many years, I discover the transformative power of philanthropy and invite you to explore it with me. During this holiday season, I wish you a moment of mental renewal. Let's set positive intentions, believing they form a powerful foundation for personal growth and collective well-being. Your strengths, talents, and expertise can contribute to a better world. Consider the impact of philanthropy, not only on others but also on your own heart. Philanthropy goes beyond monetary gifts; it's a commitment to making a positive difference in others' lives. I was inspired 4

The Importance of Metacognitive Skills and Self-Regulated Learning in Education

  In-depth conversation with Dr. Jean Marie Schmidt part 3 by Ria Uiterloo In the realm of education, an ongoing debate centers around how to optimize students’ learning and promote their self-regulatory skills. In  Part 1 and 2  of an exclusive interview with Dr. Jean Marie Schmidt, a renowned education specialist, various concerning trends and challenges in education were uncovered. Limited Expertise : She emphasizes that decisions about how education should be delivered are often made by individuals without expertise in learning, which complicates the professional work of teachers. Excessive Influence of Science : She points out that education is overly influenced by scientific research, sometimes ignoring classroom reality. There is a need to strike a balance between research and practice. Lack of Knowledge Among Teachers : Dr. Schmidt stresses that teachers often lack knowledge, even in the field of pedagogy, which affects the effectiveness of education. Lack of Lifelong Learning

"Redefining Education: Metacognition, SEL and the Vision for a Holistic Learning Future"

  Part 2 Interview with Jean Marie Schmidt, associate professor in Academic Success By Ria Uiterloo In part 1 of our interview, we discussed the Inequity Gap and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Metacognition, and Self-Regulated Learning. In part 2 we continue with other aspects and the importance of educators in shaping the future by stressing the need for their professionalism, collaboration, self-reflection, ongoing development, and awareness of their limitations.   Vygotsky's Theory, Differentiation, and the Importance of Feedback and Homework An important aspect that Dr. Schmidt emphasizes is the need for teachers to create conditions for the future society. She explains that teachers have a challenging task, and professionalism, collaboration, and self-reflection is crucial for their success. This requires ongoing professional development, collaboration, and an awareness of their own limitations. She refers to the concept of Vygotsky, a well-known psychologist, who emphasi