
Showing posts from November, 2023

The Importance of Metacognitive Skills and Self-Regulated Learning in Education

  In-depth conversation with Dr. Jean Marie Schmidt part 3 by Ria Uiterloo In the realm of education, an ongoing debate centers around how to optimize students’ learning and promote their self-regulatory skills. In  Part 1 and 2  of an exclusive interview with Dr. Jean Marie Schmidt, a renowned education specialist, various concerning trends and challenges in education were uncovered. Limited Expertise : She emphasizes that decisions about how education should be delivered are often made by individuals without expertise in learning, which complicates the professional work of teachers. Excessive Influence of Science : She points out that education is overly influenced by scientific research, sometimes ignoring classroom reality. There is a need to strike a balance between research and practice. Lack of Knowledge Among Teachers : Dr. Schmidt stresses that teachers often lack knowledge, even in the field of pedagogy, which affects the effectiveness of education. Lack of Lifelong Learning

"Redefining Education: Metacognition, SEL and the Vision for a Holistic Learning Future"

  Part 2 Interview with Jean Marie Schmidt, associate professor in Academic Success By Ria Uiterloo In part 1 of our interview, we discussed the Inequity Gap and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Metacognition, and Self-Regulated Learning. In part 2 we continue with other aspects and the importance of educators in shaping the future by stressing the need for their professionalism, collaboration, self-reflection, ongoing development, and awareness of their limitations.   Vygotsky's Theory, Differentiation, and the Importance of Feedback and Homework An important aspect that Dr. Schmidt emphasizes is the need for teachers to create conditions for the future society. She explains that teachers have a challenging task, and professionalism, collaboration, and self-reflection is crucial for their success. This requires ongoing professional development, collaboration, and an awareness of their own limitations. She refers to the concept of Vygotsky, a well-known psychologist, who emphasi

The Importance of Holistic Education, Metacognition, SEL, and More. Part 1 interview with Dr. Jean Marie Schmidt.

By Ria Uiterloo In a recent interview with Dr. Jean Marie Schmidt, a passionate education professional, college lecturer in Academic Success, educationalist, author, and TedX speaker affiliated with the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, we discuss why creating the right conditions for holistic learning is essential and how it can impact the inequality gap. She also shares insights on the importance of metacognition, SEL (Social Emotional Learning), and how the education system can be improved. The responsibility to eliminate the impact of inequality on the educational landscape is not solely on students and teachers to perform well; educational management plays a crucial role in creating the right conditions for holistic learning. School managements must not live in their own world, focusing solely on their school and interests. Dr. Schmidt acknowledges that inequality in St. Maarten is significant, and some parents send their children to private schools to prevent them from be